Author: anja

To create the 2021 Ariadne Forecast, 275 Ariadne members and friends of the network filled in surveys, participated in interviews and attended online forecast meetings to share their insights into European social change trends and human rights philanthropy 2021. The report marks the challenges and opportunities this year might bring for grantees; how funder practice could change; which political events are likely to influence their work, become more significant in the months ahead, feel hopeful about, etc. There are chapters on France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, and the UK, including a broader, global focus. Read more here. Source: Ariadne

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LevizAlbania supports interventions that address the adverse effects of school restrictions caused by the COVID-19, aiming to help overcome educational and social gaps and empower students by equipping them with the necessary social and emotional skills to be engaged citizens. Through the Quick Reaction Instrument, LevizAlbania will support a structured summer school program that addresses the academic and social gaps created by COVID-19 constraints for students in primary education and especially first grade in localities with limited access to technology and the internet. The maximum grant amount for organizations, informal groups, and individuals varies between 7,000 and 15,000 CHF (approx.…

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By supporting projects in democratization and developing the rule of law, the Embassy of the Netherlands invests into partners for Serbia and Montenegro’s future and strengthens their bilateral relations. It endeavors to support civil society projects focusing on combating corruption and undue influence and enhancing institutions and media independence.  The projects should contribute in the areas under Cluster 1 (Fundamentals) of the EU accession process: Judiciary and fundamental rights; Justice, Freedom, and security; Financial control; Public procurement; Statistics, including economic criteria, public administration reform, the functioning of democratic institutions. The minimum and maximum grant amount should be within 150.000 and…

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The call’s key objective is to contribute to achieving the European e-Justice Strategy and Action Plan 2019-2023 goals by supporting the implementation of e-Justice projects at the European and national levels. Proposals aiming to develop projects on the Council e‑Justice Action Plan’s main list will have priority over other projects indicated in the Action Plan. The available call budget is 2 800 000 EUR. Projects should range between 12 and 24 months. Read more here. Source: European Commission

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The call’ global objective is to support and strengthen CSOs, democracy activists, and human rights defenders working on critical human rights and democracy issues in third countries. The specific objectives are: support to human rights and human rights defenders most at risk; and support to other EU human rights priorities in line with the set of EU human rights guidelines adopted by the Council of the European Union. The call’s priorities are: raise awareness about respect of human rights by empowering citizens, assist state authorities in developing and implementing laws, regulations and policies through the lens of human rights, and…

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YPS is an annual flagship event hosted by the German Marshall Fund that connects the next generation of leaders with influential politicians, thinkers, journalists, and business representatives to discuss pressing policy challenges for the transatlantic community. YPS fosters dialogue, leadership training, and peer-to-peer learning through a tailor-made program for rising leaders and provides access to the larger Brussels Forum. The 2021 virtual YPS programming will take place on 7-11 June 2021. YPS participants will also join GMF’s Brussels Forum and get the opportunity to participate in public and private virtual sessions that will take place on 14-18 June. Read more…

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USAID’s Civic Engagement Project (CEP) invites nominations for its 2021 Youth Civic Engagement Award (YCEA). Individuals, organizations, institutions, media, businesses, or community members can submit a nomination for an individual young person, informal group, formal organization, or youth CSO alliance that has promoted young people to be civically engaged in their community. Will be delivered six awards to successful applicants who have demonstrated commitment to addressing public concern issues at any level in North Macedonia. Read more here. Source: National Youth Council Macedonia

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BIRN awards 10 Fellowships to journalists from Central, Eastern, and South-Eastern Europe who have an idea for a story that needs dedicated on-the-ground reporting, in-depth research, generous funding, and sustained editorial attention to do it justice. Applications are solicited under the 2021 theme, Transformation. The successful applicants will participate in BIRN’s ten-month programme for professional development, which will produce a compelling long-form story published by BIRN and its media partners. The bursary amount is 3.000 EUR. Read more here. Source: BIRN

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Civic Europe is looking for up to 20 ideas from Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe that strengthen civic engagement and social and political participation to tackle societal challenges at the local level in three different areas: community, capacity development, and visibility. The aim is to support locally rooted CSOs and civic initiatives active in communities and regions lacking civic cohesion in Central, Eastern, and Southern Europe. The ideas will be granted up to 35,000 EUR each. Read more here. Source: Civic Europe

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Со задоволство го претставуваме и Ве покануваме на завршниот настан на мрежи на граѓански организации кој ќе се одржи на 30 март (вторник) 2021г. од 11:00 до 12:45 часот на ЗООМ платформа. Цел на настанот е да го споделиме искуството од спроведените проекти на 5 мрежи на граѓански организации кои во рамки на програмата: „Одржливо граѓанско општество – државно финансирање на ГО“ ги унапредија своите капацитети за транспарентно и отчетно работење. Програмата „Одржливо граѓанско општество – државно финансирање на граѓански организации“, ја спроведува Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка (МЦМС) со Балканската мрежа за развој на граѓанското општество (БЦСДН) и Центар…

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